25th Feb 03' - Chap-E AkA RuFF Website

- The official Chap-E site is now open, you will find everything you need to know about him and keep upto date with all latest news, with relevance to Chap-E.
5th Feb 03'- Officail Mixtape
- The official Stylistic Arts Entertainment mixtape is now under-way! It's completion is unsure right now but make sure to keep checking back for updates.
11th Jan 03' - Ruff Draft Records
- The new year brings new ideas, and Chap-E aKa Rough(Ruff)is about to start picking up interested artists with his sub-label from Stylistic Arts Ent. Once he finds the artists needed, the idea is to send of a complentation demo to help get the label a distribution deal, so that you will be able to pick up CD's from Ruff Draft Records in store and not only from the street!
Check the website! (currently under construction)
Ruff Draft Records
11/04/02 - Lotus and Krysto Album
- Lotus-N-Krysto's album, The Effect is bein' produced an' touched up on, soon to drop, the two are workin' on a new album already, The Eclipse. Rumor has it that Lotus is workin' on a side solo album, Tha HalfWay House(Stuck Between Heaven An' Hell).